High Protein Seed Mix


What is in High Protien Seed Mix Our High Protien Seed Mix has 9X Raw and Organic Goodness with Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Peanuts, Flaxseeds, Watermelon Seeds, California Almonds, Cashews, Cranberry and Walnuts

Quality 100% Natural, Raw and Organic Ingredients, No preservatives, No Added Sugar or Salt

Health Benefits The Seed Mix is 29g of Natural Plant Based Protien per 100g which helps in gaining muscles, bossting energy levels, strengthening the bones, promotes hair growth and has Anti-Aging effects

How To Use Replace your moring or evening snack with 30g of our High Protien Seed Mix and have it with your Tea/Coffee. This easy to use seed mix can be sprinkled over your favourite salads, yogurt, oatmeal, and smoothies


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